Kevin Qualls Family Law
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Child Custody Archives

Can "bird's nesting" be a feasible child custody arrangement?

Parents in Orange County may assume that after a divorce, each of them will have their own separate households, and the child will travel between the two during custody and visitation periods. Indeed, that is the general picture of child custody in our nation. However, there is one other living arrangement divorced parents may want to consider: bird's nesting.

What can you do if your ex violates their child custody order?

In California, a court-ordered child custody and visitation schedule is a legally binding document. Therefore, it needs to be clear as to which parent has the child in their care and when. This includes not just daily or weekend custody and visitation, but also special events such as birthdays, holidays and vacations. All parties caring for the child or exchanging the child should have a copy of the order. If the parents informally agree to change the existing child custody and visitation schedule, they should still go to court for a new order reflecting these changes.

Creating a parenting plan through child custody mediation

Parents who are no longer in a relationship with each other, whether they recently divorced or were never married, still want to see that their break-up does not harm their children too much. While there may be some animosity between the child's parents, sometimes, for the sake of the child, they want to avoid fighting for child custody in court. One alternative in California for parents in this situation is child custody mediation.

Child custody issues can be emotional, but help is available

It is only natural that most parents in California want to spend as much time as possible with their child. This is what makes child custody issues in a divorce so emotional. Parents have to come to the realization that the time they have with their child may have significantly changed. Consequentially, they must also realize that, when their child is with the other parent, they lose some level of control over their child's life. The legal professionals at Kevin Qualls Family Law understand that this makes establishing a child custody plan that meets the needs of the parents and moreover protects the best interests of the child very challenging.

Significant life changes can lead to child custody modification

Divorce can impact a person's life in many significant ways, but after the divorce is complete, each spouse moves their separate ways, living in their new life post-divorce. If a couple in California has children, a child custody and visitation schedule will be part of the final divorce decree. For the sake of the children who need both stability and the ability to spend meaningful time with each parent, it is important that these child custody and visitation schedules are honored.

Advanced planning can make for a happy summer post divorce

The end of the school year and the beginning of summertime is something that many children in Orange County look forward to. After all, summer is more than just a break from school -- it means trips to the beach, vacations, picnics, summer camp and simply the pure enjoyment of long, lazy days.

What is 'supervised visitation' in California?

When two parents in California divorce, or separate if they were never married, a child custody and visitation plan will be created that establishes the schedules in which the child will be in each parent's care, and whether one parent or both will have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the child.

What custodial options are there for parents getting a divorce?

Getting a divorce can send an individual's emotions down a rocky road. This is especially true if children are involved. After all, in general California parents want to keep a strong relationship with their child even after the divorce is final. However, deciding how this relationship will be maintained through child custody and visitation can be difficult.

Addressing legal and physical custody after divorce

Creating a workable parenting plan is a goal for most parents in California who are separated or are divorcing. A comprehensive child custody and visitation schedule should meet the best interests of the child. In general, parenting plans should cover both physical custody issues and legal custody issues.

Kevin Qualls Family Law
625 The City Drive South
Suite 470
Orange, CA 92868
Toll Free: 800-783-1934
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