A Californian's life can take an unexpected turn after divorce. Recognizing that, California courts have retained the power for re-evaluation of orders related to child support, alimony, child custody and visitation. When circumstances change, the person may need the support of an experienced attorney, who cannot only empathize with the person's situation, but also provide sound legal advice.
Grandparents' visitation rights in California -- Part II
In California, a grandparent may ask for visitation rights if the child's parents are not living together under the same roof. In an earlier post, we discussed the conditions under which a grandparent may seek visitation rights. Typically, the courts consider the best interests of the child, while giving visitation rights to the grandparent.
Child custody: California grandparents' visitation rights
In California, a grandparent may be granted visitation rights from the court under certain conditions. As with all court decisions involving the relationship between a child and family, the best interest of the child is always the primary concern. If the grandparents can show that they have a strong relationship with the child, the court may grant them visitation rights. Ideally, there must be a strong bond between child and grandparent. A grandparent may also ask for visitation rights, if the child's parents are not divorced.
What if California parents do not agree on child custody?
A California divorce can be devastating for the children. While the child's parents may be relieved that the phase of their life is over, the child feels insecure and often has the desire for the parents to live together in the same home. The child may be insecure about many different things, including who will be awarded custody and who will pay child support. Typically, parents across the United States, including those in California, need to agree on a child custody agreement. However, that may not be possible if the parents do not agree on the child custody issues.
Legal formalities for child support complaints in California
In a child support situation, the custodial parent often has issues involving the noncustodial parent because that parent either pays late or not at all. On the other hand, some noncustodial parents also feel justified in consulting a family law attorney to initiate a child support payment complaint in the event that the custodial parent has obtained a child support payment that is unfair and also, does not take into account the financial obligations or the financial standing of the noncustodial parent.