Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence takes many forms and has a sweeping, sometimes irreversible and tragic impact on victims. Outright physical abuse of household members, as well as threats and many types of emotional and psychological abuse, are covered by a complex web of California laws and procedural remedies. We take domestic violence allegations and intervention extremely seriously at Kevin Qualls Family Law and will offer you caring, practical guidance in a timely manner.

An Experienced Divorce, Custody And Restraining Orders Attorney Serving Irvine And All Of Orange County

Since launching his practice devoted exclusively to California family law in 1990, attorney Kevin L. Qualls has advocated effectively for many women, men and children in Orange County domestic violence cases. His wide-ranging knowledge and reputation for integrity leads to many appointments from judges to represent minor children, and you can count on him for a focused, balanced approach to your troubling situation.

All domestic violence matters are urgent in some respects. We are here to help right away, in every way we can if, for example:

  • You or your children are being subjected to domestic abuse in any form and need to pursue a restraining order, a divorce, a child custody arrangement that guards children's safety, or other measures
  • You have been accused of domestic violence and/or put under a temporary restraining order, which could dramatically impact your rights involving your family and even be a career-ending impediment if a final order is issued

Call 800-783-1934 For Prompt Personal Attention To Your Case

In this traumatic and pivotal time, we will hear you out and treat you with care. You will communicate and work directly with your lawyer to decide on immediate steps and a longer-term plan. We are devoted to providing practical counsel and telling you what you need to hear. For a free half-hour consultation focused squarely on what matters most to you and how we can help, please call or email us as soon as you possibly can.